Electronic Information Resources
The continued increase in the preference for electronic materials means that the library has to equally reflect this preference in its collection. Therefore the university library has given prime preference to the acquisition of electronic materials such as links to online journals, electronic information in discs, offline databases, e.t.c.
Magazines and Newspapers
A copy of one main local newspaper and magazines is purchased and preserved. Extra copies may be added whenever deemed necessary to use the publications more widely. For example an extra copy of a selected newspaper is bought and availed to users. Older issues of newspapers are bound and made available for use.
Non Book Media
The library has built a collection of multimedia tools such as film, cassettes, DVDs, CDs, DVD-ROMs and even memory cards. They are made available to library users through the multimedia centre of the library. They serve as supplement to both electronic and digital forms of information resource in the library.
Core Journals
The University Library subscribes to e-journals through the Kenya Library & Information Services Consortium (KLISC).
The library target will be to maintain a ratio of two titles per unit and a further ratio of one a copy for every ten students. The acquisition policy will guide further additions to the library. To ease and enable equitable access a few copies will be placed in the short term loan section.
Collection Levels
The library collection is strategically built to support academic programmes and research needs in the university. The collection is divided into general stack, short loan and reference sec