The library has the following sections:Long loan, Short loan, periodicals, national collections, and Reference.
- Circulation Section - lending and renewal of books, services such as registration of library members, issuing a clearance.
- Technical Section (Processing room): used for classification, cataloging, and transcribing, and barcode and then released for circulation.
- Reference Section: consist of materials that are meant to aid research by providing quick and accessible information. The reference sources comprise dictionaries, bibliographies, directories, atlases, etc.
- Periodical Section: issues of journals/newspapers and renewal of subscription and the maintenance of current journals.
- Reprographic section: This section provides the facilities for Photo-copying, Printing
- E-Library Section: have access to e-resources from authorized databases to which the university has subscribed.
- Short Loans: where we keep books and other items that are needed by large numbers of students.